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My Show



Solo Exhibition

29.03.12 - 24.05.12


My Show features new work completed over the course of a year. Portraiture is a favoured genre with subjects drawn from Gratrix’s personal and social world, as well as contemporary pop and celebrity culture. Imagery such as rainbows, flowers, exotic birds and puppies has a mischievous, ominous undertone. The paintings are fresh, energetic, witty, vibrant and colourful – yet melancholic. Despite numerous art-historical references, Gratrix is entirely original and completely immersed in the present. In the artist’s own words, My Show includes; “mythical grunge, good pop, bling jokes, sweaty Chanel, divorce flowers, tropical Maximalism, jungle nipples, rainbow poodles, the age of LOL and my friends”.

Provocative titles create narratives between paintings, and her spontaneous use of text provides playful commentary and satire. My Show is a comprehensive exhibition comprising more than fifty paintings and strengthens Georgina Gratrix’s reputation as one of the most exciting young artists in South African art today.

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